95,575 square kilometres with resources that support the global economy
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder offers a unique blend of economic and social opportunities for those considering investing in the Goldfields region.
A unique landscape that boasts one of the richest resource areas in the world, Kalgoorlie-Boulder is a dynamic, bustling and vibrant community.
The heart of the prosperous Goldfields region, Kalgoorlie-Boulder has a thriving, rapidly expanding economy, producing $14.3 billion in annual economic output.
The Heart of the Goldfields

Our Economic Zone
The Kalgoorlie-Boulder Economic Zone (KBEZ) includes the following Shires:
- Kalgoorlie-Boulder
- Leonora
- Menzies
- Coolgardie
- Dundas
- Laverton
- Ngaanyatjarraku
This economic powerhouse represents 80% of the Goldfields-Esperance economy sourcing 19 different commodities including major gold, nickel and lithium.

View the 2024 Investment Prospectus
Watch the 2024 Investment Prospectus Video
WA Business News - Kalgoorlie-Boulder economic powerhouse ripe for investment