Food businesses
The City's Environmental Health Services make sure food businesses are compliant with all safety standards and regulations.
New Food Safety Standards
A new food safety standard has been introduced across Australia to improve food safety and prevent foodborne illness in the community.
Poor food handling practices can lead to outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, resulting in preventable hospitalizations, financial losses, and harm to the reputation of food establishments. To address this issue, a new standard has been introduced to ensure that food is handled safely by trained and supervised food handlers who possess the necessary skills and knowledge.
Will my business be impacted by the new standard?
Food businesses dealing with unpackaged, potentially hazardous, and ready-to-eat foods must comply with these new requirements by December 8, 2023. Your business will fall into either 'category one' or 'category two' depending on its activities.
- Category one examples include restaurants, cafes, bakeries, fast food outlets, mobile food vans, hospitals, aged care facilities, child care centers, and school canteens.
- Category two examples encompass delis, certain supermarkets, select service stations, seafood retailers, specific market stalls, some convenience stores, and certain butchers.
To determine the impact on your business, you can visit the Department of Health website. Additionally, the City's Environmental Health Officers can provide guidance on compliance with the new standards. Reach out to the Environmental Health Services Team on 9021 9600 or for assistance.
What will be required of your business?
Some food establishments will need to implement food safety management tools, which include:
Food Safety Supervisors: You must designate a food safety supervisor within your business who is trained and certified under the new standard. This individual should be reasonably available to provide guidance and supervision to food handlers.
Food Safety Training: Ensure that your food handlers can demonstrate that they have received food safety training. The City offers free FoodSafe Online training for local businesses.
Management of Key Food Safety Controls: Maintain records of critical food safety controls or demonstrate safe food handling practices.
If your business is captured by the standard, you will need to provide a copy of your Food Safety Supervisor certificate to the City by 8 December 2023. Certificates can be emailed to Please note, your business may need more than one qualified Food Safety Supervisor, depending on your hours of service.
For the most up-to-date information, please visit the following link: Food safety management tools for food businesses.
Free Food Handlers Training Course
FoodSafe Online is a Food Handler Training Program developed by Environmental Health Australia (WA) that supports safe food handling and hygiene practices within the community. Food handlers and community members can complete the FoodSafe Online course free of charge by visiting FoodSafe Online.
To complete the course, you will need to use your email address to register with Environmental Health Australia (WA). A link will be sent to your email to access the training.
On the payment details page, you will need to use the unique discount voucher FSKALGB394 to access the course for free. The discount code can only be used once per email address and the training course can only be accessed from your email.
A step-by-step guide to entering the code and getting started is available here.
Please note, the FoodSafe Food Handlers Training Program is different to the Food Safety Supervisor course. You can visit the Department of Health's website for details of approved courses.
Play it Food Safe
Food poisoning can be very serious, particularly for vulnerable sections of the community such as the elderly and children. However, preventing food poisoning is simple if foods are handled and stored correctly.
Temporary Food Stall or Premise
A temporary food stall or premise is any equipment and appliances for preparing or selling food including barbeques, sausage sizzles, cake stalls and food stands. In compliance with the Food Act 2008 (WA), all temporary food stalls and premises must notify the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder before trading in public, including:
- For-profit businesses
- Non-for-profit organisations
- Charities.
Every person who sells food from a temporary food stall or premise is responsible for ensuring the food is safe and does not cause food poisoning. Food poisoning is dangerous to customers and potentially disastrous to your organisation and may result in legal action.
Application Process
Approval is required from the City in order to operate a temporary food stall or premise:
- A Notification of Temporary Food Stalls or Premise form must be submitted a minimum of 5 working days prior to your intended event to
- Application fee as per the Fees and Charges to be paid at the time of submitting your application
- A site plan showing the setup of your stall or premise is to be submitted with your application
- An Officer will review your application and email you with the outcome and any conditions that you may be required to comply with.
- The City's Environmental Health Services may attend to inspect and ensure that you are operating safely and in compliance with the regulations and standards.
Quick Links
Notification Form - Temporary Food Stalls or Premise
Fees and Charges
Foods Prepared at Home for One-Off Fundraising Events
If you are preparing food for a one-off fundraising event arranged by a community or charitable organisation, you require a Permit to Conduct from the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
Please contact the City's Environmental Health Services to discuss:
- What foods are allowed to be sold
- What conditions are required for sale
Permits are only valid for a maximum of 4 days per month.
Please download our Foods Prepared at Home Factsheet for more information relating to:
- Home preparation area
- Food contents
- Presentation of food products
- Stall area
- Food cooked on the day
- Preparing and cooking food safely
- Disposable utensils
- Water
- Handwashing facilities.
Application Process
Approval is required from the City for a permit to conduct. Applications may take up to 15 working days to process:
- A Permit to Conduct form to be submitted to
- Application fee as per the Fees and Charges to be paid at the time of submitting your application
- A site plan showing the setup is to be submitted with your application. For events in St Barbara Square, a downloadable area map has been provided for your convenience.
- Include a copy of your public liability insurance to the value of $20 million dollars.
- An Officer will review your application and email you with the outcome and any conditions that you may be required to comply with.
- The City's Environmental Health Services may attend to inspect and ensure that you are operating safely and in compliance with the regulations and standards.
Quick Links
Permit to Conduct
Fees and Charges
Permanent & Commercial Food Businesses
Notification & Registration
Businesses that store, prepare, handle, serve and sell food are required to notify and register with the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
The City’s Environmental Health Services is responsible for administering:
- Public Health Act 2016
- Food Act 2008 (WA): this act signified a major change to the State's food regulatory environment. It controls the sale of food to ensure that it is safe and is suitable for human consumption
- Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code
The Australia New Zealand Food Safety Standards require all food businesses to notify the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder:
- Before any new food business commences operation
- When the nature of an existing business changes
- When the ownership of an existing business changes.
The nature of your food business can impact what further requirements you may need to meet, depending on what you are manufacturing or processing. This includes:
Potentially Hazardous Food means: foods that need to be kept at certain temperatures to minimise the
growth of harmful bacteria in the food or to prevent the formation of toxins in the food. E.g. : raw and cooked meat & seafood, dairy products, food with eggs, beans or nut products
Process means: activity conducted to prepare food for sale including; chopping, cooking, drying,
fermenting, heating, pasteurising, or a combination of these.
Ready-to-eat means: food that is ordinarily consumed in the same state as in which it is sold.
Shelf stable means: non-perishable food with a shelf life of many months to years.
Generally, the food premises and equipment should be designed, built and located so as to:
- Be easy to clean and maintain;
- Not be easy for insects and pests to inhabit.
Environmental Health Services can provide advice on carrying out any alterations or construction.
Application Process
Approval is required from the City for a food premise to operate. Applications may take up to 15 working days to process:
- A Food Business Notification & Registration form to be submitted to
- Application fee as per the Fees and Charges to be paid at the time of submitting your application
- Submit fit-out plans with full layout with your application
- An Officer will review your application and work with you to ensure that all the requirements are met
- The City's Environmental Health Services will complete an on-site inspection to ensure that you are operating safely and in compliance with the regulations and standards
- Depending on the overall business operations, there are further fees associated with the surveillance and inspection of your business
- If the application is approved, you will receive a certificate of registration and licence to operate a food business.
- Your overall business operations will determine how often the City's Environmental Health Services completes on-site inspections to ensure that you are operating safely.
Home Businesses
Home businesses are required to obtain approval from Planning Services prior to registering with us, please visit Home Businesses for further information.
Once you have approval, you will need to follow the below application process to register your business for operating. Please note that home businesses that do not have a commercial kitchen are restricted to low-risk foods that do not require temperature control.
For further information on the foods you are able to prepare, please contact the City's Environmental Health Services on 9021 9600 or via
Application Process
Approval is required from the City for a food premise to operate. Applications may take up to 15 working days to process:
- A Food Business Notification & Registration form to be submitted to
- Application fee as per the Fees & Charges to be paid at the time of submitting your application
- Submit fit-out plans with full layout with your application
- An Officer will review your application and work with you to ensure that all the requirements are met
- The City's Environmental Health Services will complete an on-site inspection to ensure that you are operating safely and in compliance with the regulations and standards
- Depending on the overall business operations, there are further fees associated with the surveillance and inspection of your business
- If the application is approved, you will receive a certificate of registration and licence to operate a food business
- Your overall business operations will determine how often the City's Environmental Health Services completes on-site inspections to ensure that you are operating safely.
Trading in Public Places
Alfresco & Outdoor Dining
Alfresco dining, or footpath trading, is where tables and chairs are placed on the verge area (footpath) for the use of customers of the adjacent food premises. As this area is under the control of the City, and increases the number of potential customers for the food premises, approval from the City is required. Please refer to the City’s Alfresco Dining Policy for further information.
Application Process
Approval is required from the City for Trading in Public Places & Thoroughfares. Applications may take up to 15 working days to process:
- A Trading in Public Places & Thoroughfares Application form to be submitted to
- Application fee as per the Fees & Charges to be paid at the time of submitting your application
- You must submit the following documents with your application:
- Include a copy of a Public Indemnity Insurance Policy, to the value of $20 million dollars, for the premises. The policy must also note the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder as an interested party.
- A signed cleaning contract document.
- A site plan with full layout.
- For Alfresco Dining/ Footpath Trading applications, you must also submit the following:
A site plan indicating where tables and chairs are to be placed in relation to the footpath, road, buildings, verandah posts, any street furniture, and all street parking bays. Also indicate the designated pedestrian area which is to be kept clear at all times.
A floor plan of the food premises showing the kitchen, dining, and toilet facilities.
A photograph, illustration, or manufacturer’s brochure showing the type of tables and chairs intended to be used.
- An Officer will review your application and work with you to ensure that all the requirements are met and engage relevant Officers from the City’s Engineering, Water, Building and Planning Services.
- The City's Environmental Health Services will complete an on-site inspection to ensure that you are operating safely and in compliance with the regulations and standards
- Depending on the overall business operations, there are further fees associated with the application.
- If the application is approved, you will receive an Alfresco Dining Permit to operate as part of your food business which is renewed every financial year.
Other Council Requirements
Planning approval may be required for your alfresco dining application. Under the Town Planning Scheme, if a restaurant is permitted (P) use within the land use zoning as stated in the Town Planning Scheme, planning approval will not be required.
The installation/erection of signs (including banners and mobile signs) may require approval from both Council’s Planning and Building Services.
Applying, Transferring & Renewing a Permit
To apply for a permit, you will need:
- Application form
- Cleaning contract document
- Public risk insurance for $20 million dollars, with the City as an interested party
- Site plan indicating where tables and chairs are to be placed—in relation to footpaths, road, buildings, veranda posts, street furniture, and street parking bays—and the designated pedestrian area which is to be kept clear at all times
- Floor plan of the food premises showing the kitchen, dining, and toilet facilities
- Photographs, illustrations, or brochures showing the type of tables and chairs to be used.
As part of the assessment an on-site inspection of the premises will be carried out.
If the application is approved and payment of required fees, an alfresco dining permit will be issued. These permits need to be renewed each financial year.
Please download and complete a Trading in Public Places application form, which also includes information on the conditions of the permit.
Renewal of Permits
Please use the Application for renewal of permit: Alfresco/Outdoor Dining to renew your permit.
You will also need to resubmit a copy of your public risk insurance policy.
Transferring of Permits
When transferring your existing alfresco or outdoor dining permit to another person, a new public risk insurance policy of $20 million is required.
Please download and submit an Application for transfer of an Alfresco/Outdoor Dining Permit.
Resources and Programs
The Food Standards Australia code requires food businesses to ensure that food handlers and their supervisors have the skills and knowledge for proper food safety and food.
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Environmental Health Services monitor food hygiene through routine inspections and occasional testing for microbiological and chemical standards.
Food Safe is a training program on safe food preparation and food handling techniques. It is suitable for anyone, from individual proprietors, students to multinational corporations.
The Food safety pages of the WA Department of Health website provides additional information and resources on food safety.
Food Safety Programs
Food safety activities by the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder include:
- Educating of food operators and the general community
- Inspecting registered food businesses
- Procurement of food samples for analysis
- Approval and compliance checking of food safety in food businesses
Environmental Health Services investigates consumer enquiries and complaints and conducts regular inspections of food premises to ensure compliance with relevant acts and regulations.
If you have a concern about contaminated food or food poisoning at a food premise, or suspect someone of selling food without a permit, please contact us.
Quick Links
Charity Events
Permit to Conduct Application
Foods Prepared at Home Factsheet
Permanent Food Premises
Food Business Notification & Registration Form
Temporary Food Stalls or Premises
Notification of Temporary Stalls or Premises
Trading in Public Places
Alfresco Dining Policy
Trading in Public Places Application Form
Application for Renewal of Permit: Trading in Public Places
Food Safety Resources
COVID-19 Food Safety Tips for Takeaway and Delivery
Legislation & Standards
Public Health Act 2016
Food Act 2008 (WA)
Food Standards Australia & New Zealand