Clean Community
Graffiti and Vandalism
There’s a big difference between street art and graffiti and common tagging, and whilst the City is a strong supporter of one, there is a hardworking team dedicated to the removal of the other.
Quick removal of graffiti is a key means of discouraging further attacks. Graffiti offenders want their graffiti seen, so removing it as soon as possible lessens the impact. If graffiti is not removed from a location, more graffiti tends to occur.
To help prevent graffiti, the City supports and facilitates youth programs that include street art workshops, and has invested in the Heartwalk CBD street art project, which is centered around activating and enlivening vacant retail premises and blank walls with large-scale murals completed by local, indigenous and Western Australian professional artists.
The City wants to convey that vandalism, such as graffiti, is unacceptable in our community. If you see tagging or graffiti on public property, please report it to the City by calling 9021 9600, emailing or via the Snap, Send, Solve app.
Ranger Services
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community Rangers are located on the corner of Throssell and Hay Street Kalgoorlie. The Community Rangers can be contacted through the contact us page or by phoning the City on 9021 9600.
Community Ranger Services are available:
- Rangers Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm Rangers can respond to and deal with all jobs;
- Office Hours: 8:30am - 4.30pm every day including public holidays;
- On Call Rangers Hours: 5:00pm - 8:00am the on-call Ranger can only respond to emergencies such as dog attacks in progress and/or ‘injured animals.
Caravan and camping regulations
Approval to occupy a caravan outside a caravan park must be obtained from either the owner of the land, the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder or the Minister for Local Government, depending on the period of occupancy.
Community Rangers monitor and investigate illegal camping on City land.
Please download the Caravan and Camping fact sheet which covers:
- Legislation related to caravans and camping; and
- Information to be submitted with an application to the City or Minister.
It is illegal for individuals or groups to camp on City land without permission. Please report any illegal camping to the Community Rangers.
Concerns regarding squatters on private land should be directed to the police.
What is litter?
Every time someone carelessly throws or drops a cigarette butt onto the ground, they are littering. Such acts could result in bushfires, and are a danger to the community.
Every time someone carelessly abandons a vehicle in our bushland, they spoil the natural beauty and risk polluting the soil with chemicals.
Every time someone carelessly dumps rubbish on the ground, they are endangering local wildlife and adding unnecessary hazards to our land.
Littering is unacceptable to the community.
If you see someone littering, please report it your local Community Ranger.
Penalties for littering
Community Rangers enforce all littering offences in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. The current penalties are:
Offence |
Individual |
Body corporate |
Littering |
$200 |
$500 |
Littering creating a public risk |
$500 |
$2000 |
Breaking glass, Metal or earthenware |
$500 |
$2000 |
Bill posting |
$200 |
$500 |
Bill posting on a car |
$200 |
$500 |
Transporting a load inadequately secured |
$200 |
Depositing domestic or commercial waste in a public litter receptacle |
$200 |
$500 |
Unsecure Loads
Unsecure loads are a major hazard on our roads, with the potential to cause serious crashes as well as polluting our natural environment. Kalgoorlie-Boulder rangers are targeting unsecure loads and will issue on the spot fines of $200 to any driver of a vehicle that drops items due to improper restraint. A load is only secure when nothing can slide, shift, fall or become airborne.
If you witness litter due to unsecure loads, contact the City’s rangers on 9021 9600.
Collecting Firewood
Residents can collect firewood for personal use in some forest areas forest areas managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).
There is a 20 kilometre radius from the centre of Kalgoorlie-Boulder and a 7.5 kilometre radius from the Kambalda and Coolgardie town centres, where no gathering of firewood is permitted. These are known as the Greenbelts.
When collecting wood for domestic use it is important to note the following:
- Collection should be for private use only and restricted to a ute or trailer load at a time.
- Collect from ‘public firewood areas’ – all areas outside of conservation reserves and private property or where other restrictions apply.
- Firewood cannot be sold, exchanged or traded for commercial gain.
- It is a legal requirement to gain permission to enter and collect firewood from other land users such as pastoral leaseholders, mining companies and Aboriginal communities.
- Gathering is not allowed within two kilometres of station homesteads or on active mining areas.
- Only take already fallen dead logs; standing dead or green trees cannot be felled.
- Do not go off road, this damages the vegetation and hinders woodland regeneration.
For more information, visit the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions website.
Illegal Dumping
Illegal dumping is the unauthorised discharging or abandonment of waste and is an offence under Section 49A of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). The City may report illegal dumping to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER), who are responsible for investigating and prosecuting under the EP Act. On conviction, the offence carries a maximum fine of $125,000 for corporations and $62,500 for individuals. City Rangers patrol illegal dumping hotspots and will issue on-the-spot fines of up to $2,000 for littering offences, which may be in addition to illegal dumping fines.
Dob in a Dumper
If you witness illegal dumping, please record details of the time, location, vehicle description, and materials dumped, as well as any other relevant information (such as license plate number) so City Rangers can investigate and prosecute. You can use the Snap, Send, Solve App to report illegal dumping, or alternatively, you can use our Dob in a Dumper form below. These reports are sent to the City as a service request through our email system and are then processed like any other request.
Snap, Send, Solve download links:

Dob in a Dumper Online Form
Quick Links
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation - Illegal Dumping
Waste Authority - Illegal Dumping
Caravans and Camping Fact Sheet
Collecting Firewood for Personal Use - DBCA Factsheet
Contact Us