The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is proud to partner with Grow Free, a creative initiative to allow the community to connect over fresh produce. Thanks to the Men's Shed for their efforts in building our cart.
What is a Grow Free cart?
A Grow Free sharing cart is a medium where members of the community can provide fresh produce for free to others. Just the simple act of growing your own food and giving it freely to someone else, without need for reciprocation or acknowledgment, can not only be a revolutionary act, but also one that heals.
Members of the community can donate, take or swap fresh produce that they have grown on this cart. This initiative promotes a sustainable culture of growing and sharing healthy food and other resources with our neighbours. You give what you can, and take what you need.
What can I give?
- Homegrown or homemade produce: fruit, veg, herbs, preserves, eggs, baked goods, etc
- Preferably grown with organic principles, without toxins. Grown with love is a strict prerequisite!
- Seeds, seedlings, cuttings and rootstock (Please label all, and heirloom seeds are best, as they can be saved from)
- All things gardening, whether it be gardening magazines, toilet rolls, worm tea, etc
- Jars
- Paper bags and small boxes for seeds or produce
What can't I give?
- Store bought produce
- Meat
- Mushrooms
- Chook and compost scraps
- Alcohol
Cart Location
The Kalgoorlie-Boulder Grow Free cart will be located at the entrance of William Grundt Memorial Library and will be available during opening hours.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 9.00am to 5.00pm
Saturday: 9.00am – 12.00pm
Sunday: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed
If you would like to discuss any ideas or enquiries regarding this community initiative, please contact City staff on the details below.
Phone: 9021 9600
Email: mailbag@ckb.wa.gov.au
Addressed to: Community Development Team
Quick Links
Grow Free