Street Signs & Lighting

Street Signs

The City’s Engineering Team installs and maintains all road signs in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

All street signs must adhere to:

  • City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder specifications; and
  • Australian Standard 1742.5 manual of uniform traffic control devices Part 5—Street name and community facility name signs.

Please report missing or damaged street signs to the City by contacting us (link to contact us page).

Blue pointer signs

Blue pointer signs are informational signs that improve traffic management and build community awareness on community and public facilities. They do not include any business names.

Blue pointer signs are commonly used for:

  • Hospitals and health facilities;
  • Churches;
  • Libraries;
  • Major sports facilities such as swimming pools;
  • Schools;
  • Airports;
  • Railway stations; and
  • Caravan parks and accommodation—symbolic signs only.

Other proposals for blue pointer signs would be considered advertising, and have to comply with City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s Local Laws.

Written requests for blue pointer signs should be sent to the City, and clearly indicate the location of the sign and the text to appear on the sign.

Blue pointer signs are erected at the cost of the applicant. A Private Works Order (PWO) and estimated costs will be mailed to you, which must be signed and returned to the City before work can commence.

Portable signs on public paths

The Thoroughfares and Trading in Public Places Local Law regulates portable advertising signs (A-frame) on public thoroughfares, such as footpaths, in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. This Local Law is enforced and monitored by the City's Community Rangers.

Businesses that erect or place any portable advertising signs on a public path must have a permit.

Applications for a permit must be submitted to the City along with:

  • Application fee and Annual fee;
  • Plan of the type, size and location of the sign is to be attached to the application form.

In order to be granted approval the A-frame or portable signs should meet the following conditions:

  • Height should not exceed 1 m;
  • Area on any face should not exceed 1 m2;
  • Lettering should not be exceed 120 mm tall; and
  • Permit number must be clearly displayed on the bottom left hand corner on both sides.

If approved, the permit will be issued. Permits are renewable on 1 July annually.

Only 1 portable sign will be permitted per business.

The approved sign may be placed in a public thoroughfare as long as it:

  • Is placed adjacent to the business it refers to
  • Is removed at close of business each day
  • Does not impede the reasonable use of the path or access to a place
  • Is secured to prevent injury or a danger to the public.

The City may request the removal of any unlawfully placed sign, and a person or business may be issued the following penalties:

  • Modified penalty of $200.00
  • Penalty of $5,000.00 if convicted
  • Additional penalty up to $500.00 per day for as long as the offence continues.

Please download Portable Advertising Signs on Public Thoroughfares Fact Sheet , which includes the above guidelines and a Portable Advertising Signs on Public Thoroughfares Application form.

If you have any queries, please contact us.

Street Lighting

Western Power is responsible for most the Street Lights in Kalgoorlie-Boulder. However, the City is responsible for the following Street Lights:

  • Hannan Street between Outridge Terrace and Wilson Street.
  • Burt Street between Hamilton Street and Brookman Street.
  • Burt Street off-street carpark located between Hamilton Street and Lane Street (No.19 Burt Street).
  • Piesse Street off-street carpark located between Lane Street and Brookman Street (Next to No.87 Piesse Street).
  • Brookman Street off-street carpark located between Porter Street and Maritana Street (Next to No.41 Brookman Street).
  • Egan Street off-street carpark located between Porter Street and Maritana Street (No.56 Egan Street).
  • Egan Street off-street carpark located between Cassidy Street and Wilson Street (No.146 Egan Street).

Report a fault

Street Light faults may be reported to Western Power via their website at or via phone on 1800 622 008.

Alternatively, you may report the fault to the City and we will lodge the fault with Western Power for you. Please note, the City is responsible for the Street Lights mentioned above for which faults are be reported to the City.

Request a street light installation

Requests for new Street Lighting can be made with the City’s Engineering Team. The City will investigate the request and will advise you of its findings. If the City determines new Street Lighting is required and has funding available, the City will arrange for Western Power to install the new Street Lighting.

Quick Links

Tourist and Services Signage policy

Thoroughfares and Trading in Public Places

Portable Advertising Signs on Public Thoroughfares Application

Report a street light fault with Western Power