With hundreds of popular fiction and non-fiction titles to choose from, this new collection is guaranteed to have something for everyone. You can enjoy best-selling novels, well-known classics, self-improvement guides, and much more all on your own time, wherever you may be. No matter how you plan to enjoy, titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period. There are no late fees!
eResources at home
The State Library of Western Australia provides members of the William Grundt Memorial Library with a whole range of other online resources on their eResources at home for public library members’ page.
This includes links to eResources for kids as well.
Kanopy is a video streaming platform for public libraries delivering one of the largest collections of indie films, classic cinema, festival and educational documentaries, and movies online or through an app. The services enable Public Library and State Library members to browse and view over 30,000 + films and documentaries from top suppliers, including the BBC, Criterion Collection, Ronin Films, Madman Entertainment.
Hoopla is a digital media service that allows you to borrow books, audio, movies, TV series, music and much more on your computer or mobile device with no holds or waiting. Download Hoopla.
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eResources at home
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