Frequently Asked Questions
Common Questions
As a skilled worker, can I apply to migrate to the Goldfields under the DAMA?
No, the Goldfields DAMA is an employer-sponsored visa program and individual jobseekers cannot apply for a visa independently.
Can DAMA assist with a list of businesses who are searching for skilled migrants?
No, the Goldfields DAR does not create or keep a list of businesses who are searching for skilled migrants. We also do not offer job-matching services to potential Skilled Migrants. It is up to the individual to reach out to businesses about any opportunities and apply for jobs directly.
What are the visa streams included in the DAMA?
More information on the Skills in Demand visa (SID subclass 482), the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS subclass 186), and the Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa (SESR subclass 494) available to employers under the DAMA can be found here.
As an employer, do I have to use a migration agent to apply to the DAMA?
No, a migration agent is not required, this is optional. If you do choose to use a migration agent, ensure they are registered, and provide Form 956 with your application.
Do workers who migrate through the DAMA have to reside in the Goldfields?
Yes, all workers employed under the Goldfields DAMA have to live and work in the Goldfields DAMA region.
Are FIFO/DIDO roles covered by the DAMA?
No. Employers seeking to fill FIFO/DIDO roles are not eligible to apply for endorsement or visas under the DAMA.
Where do I find information about Labour Market Testing?
Information about Labour Market Testing can be found here.
Where do I find information about Concessions, including age concessions, English language concessions, and TSMIT?
Information about Goldfields DAMA concessions can be found here.
What does it mean to be a Standard Business Sponsor and an Accredited Sponsor?
These are additional Department of Home Affairs classifications for which employers can apply. More information can be found here: Become a sponsor Standard business sponsor.
Sponsoring skilled workers Accredited sponsor.
What happens if I have advertised twice and received suitably qualified applicants, however after interviews it was determined they were not suitable for the role?
If you have advertised twice and met Labour Market Testing requirements but any applicants were deemed unsuitable, you have still shown that you have met the advertising requirements, and are eligible to apply to the DAMA.
What are the fees and charges?
A non-refundable processing fee of $259 including GST per nominated position is payable to the Goldfields DAR for each application. You will be invoiced for this. For information on the fees and charges for visas, go to the Department of Home Affairs website.
What is the approximate processing time for applications?
The Goldfields DAR aims to process your endorsement application within 10 days, if the application is complete and contains all the required information and attachments. The next three stages of the process are handled by the Department of Home Affairs – the Goldfields DAR has no involvement in these stages. Check the Department’s website regarding processing times.

Living in the Goldfields
Living in the Goldfields Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) region provides a wealth of opportunities, with a strong network of facilities and services for employers and employees. Welcome!

The Goldfields has a proud multicultural history and vibrant, diverse communities. Migrants contribute strongly to the social and economic fabric of the Goldfields, bringing a wealth of skills and knowledge that greatly contribute to the growth, development and wellbeing of our thriving region. Many migrants go on to become permanent citizens of Australia and the Goldfields welcomes the new ideas and diversity that comes from this multiculturalism.

The vibrant Goldfields DAMA region is comprised of eight diverse Local Government Authorities, all with a great range of facilities, services and attractions for residents.
The region has excellent health and education services; quality retail, dining, arts and multicultural experiences; and a great range of parks, community organisations and sport and recreation facilities.
The DAMA program is an important avenue for the Goldfields region to grow its economy and population, and encourage skilled overseas workers to work and live in our region. The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder as the Goldfields DAR is proud to enable a continued, rich cultural heritage through the Goldfields DAMA.
Find out about the Local Government Authorities in our DAMA and some of the great facilities, services and opportunities available in our Quick Links section.
Helpful Resources
A variety of information is available to help employers using the DAMA and to welcome overseas workers to the Goldfields. Local, regional, state and national industry, government and settlement agencies have various information resources and programs to assist both employers and employees.
Contact us
Contact the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder as the Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) Designated Area Representative on:
Phone: (08) 9021 9600