Employer Eligibility
For a role to be eligible under the Goldfields DAMA employers must meet the following criteria:
- Be a registered Australian entity and have been actively and lawfully operating (with a physical office) in one or more of the eight local government authorities that make up the Goldfields DAMA for at least 12 months
- Be financially viable (please provide your Financial Statements for the most recent financial year and any other relevant supporting information).
- Have carried out approved Labour Marketing Testing to provide evidence that no Australian citizens or permanent residents can be recruited for the advertised role (detailed information on the requirements of Labour Market Testing can be found here)
- Be seeking to fill positions located within the Goldfields DAMA region that are on the current approved Goldfields DAMA occupation list. (Note: Overseas workers sponsored through the DAMA must live and work in the Goldfields DAMA region. FIFO or DIDO roles are not eligible for the DAMA)
- Show that the salary and conditions proposed for the overseas worker(s) will be at least equivalent to what would be acceptable for an Australian citizen or permanent resident in the Goldfields region. More information about Market Salary Requirements, Terms and Conditions of Employment and Ongoing Obligations can be found here
- Have a history of compliance with all relevant workplace legislation. You must declare anything which could be considered adverse information. More information about adverse information can be found here, and a Glossary of terms here

What are your workforce needs?
The Goldfields DAMA takes into consideration the needs of your workforce when considering your application. This includes factors such as:
- Your current and future workplace needs to determine which occupation(s) and concession(s) requested will be endorsed by the Goldfields DAMA
- Whether the business has a genuine need for the occupation(s) they are seeking to access under the Goldfields DAMA, and can show the capacity to employ the intended employee(s) for at least the term of the requested visa
- How many positions can be nominated for each occupation and for each concession
Note: DAMA Labour Agreements are generally in effect for five years. However the endorsement of occupations and numbers of positions to be filled is valid for one year. Businesses seeking to access more overseas workers, including by adding occupations, visa applicants or concessions to their existing Labour Agreement, will need to apply to the Goldfields DAR for endorsement of occupation(s), the number of vacant positions, and concessions each year through a Deed of Variation.