About the Goldfields DAMA
The Goldfields DAMA exists to provide Goldfield's employers with an additional pathway to bring in skilled and semi-skilled workers to the Goldfields through three different visa streams. It is a labour agreement between the Federal Government and the eight local government authorities that make up the Goldfields DAMA. The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is the Designated Area Representative (DAR) for the Goldfields DAMA, and employs a full-time migration agreement officer to process DAMA labour agreement and Deed of Variation endorsement applications, and respond to inquiries from employers. The initial five-year Goldfields DAMA started in March 2019. The Goldfields DAMA has recently been extended for another 12 months until April 2025.
The Goldfields DAMA utilises the labour agreement stream of three visa categories:
Please note: On 7 December 2024 the SID visa replaced the previous Temporary Skills Shortage visa (TSS subclass 482). More information on the new SID visa can be found here.
Who can use the DAMA?
The Goldfields DAMA is an employer-nominated scheme accessible to all employers operating in the eight local government authorities that make up the DAMA. Individual jobseekers cannot apply to the DAMA.
DAMA local government authorities:
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder | Shire of Coolgardie | Shire of Dundas | Shire of Esperance |Shire of Laverton | Shire of Leonora | Shire of Menzies | Shire of Ravensthorpe
It is a priority for the Goldfields DAMA and the Federal Government to always promote jobs for Australians first. Employers need to have demonstrated skills shortages and given priority to Australian citizens and permanent residents by doing approved Labour Market Testing (specific, documented job recruitment through advertising). If they cannot find an Australian jobseeker for the position and meet the other DAMA criteria they are then eligible to apply to bring in workers through the DAMA. More information about employer eligibility can be found here.

How does it work?
There are four stages in the process:
- Apply to the DAR for endorsement. This stage is processed by the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder as the Goldfields DAR. The next three stages are processed by the Department of Home Affairs.
- Request a Labour Agreement. Once an endorsement has been granted, the employer then applies to the Department of Home Affairs for a DAMA Labour Agreement, using the endorsement letter from Stage 1.
- Nominate individual visa applicants. Once the Labour Agreement is in place, the employer can then nominate and sponsor specific individual overseas workers against the occupation(s) stated in the Labour Agreement, up to the capacity and within the year specified in that agreement.
- Individual nominees apply for their visa. This is the final stage where the nominated individuals apply for their visa.
More information about these stages can be found below.
Note: DAMA Labour Agreements are generally in effect for five years. However the endorsement of occupations and numbers of positions to be filled is valid for one year. Businesses seeking to access more overseas workers, including by adding occupations, visa applicants or concessions to their existing Labour Agreement, will need to apply to the Goldfields DAR for endorsement of occupation(s) and the number of vacant positions each year through a Deed of Variation.
What are the different visa streams?
The Goldfields DAMA utilises the labour agreement stream of three visa categories: the
The Goldfields DAMA offers a range of concessions to employers. More information about concessions can be found here.
Stage 1
DAR Endorsement
This is requested by the employer and processed by the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder as the Goldfields DAR representative. Requests are generally processed within 10 working days if applications contain all the necessary information. We will contact you if anything is missing.
Stage 2
Request a Labour Agreement
Once DAR endorsement has been achieved, the Goldfields DAR will send this to the employer and the Department of Home Affairs. The employer can then apply online through their ImmiAccount to the Department of Home Affairs for a Goldfields DAMA Labour Agreement, using the DAR endorsement from Stage 1.
The Goldfields DAR will send the employer a series of detailed information guides about this stage of the process.
Stage 2 is processed by the Department of Home Affairs. The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder as the Goldfields DAR is not part of this stage or subsequent stages.
Applications to the Department of Home Affairs will be processed according to departmental timeframes. There is no charge to request a Labour Agreement with the Department.
Once your Labour Agreement has been approved, your business has 12 months to nominate a skilled worker. The Department of Home Affairs will provide you with additional information on how to lodge your visa nominations.
Stage 3
Nominating individual visa applicants
Once you have a Labour Agreement in place with the Government, you can then nominate specific individual Overseas Workers against the occupations stated in the Labour Agreement, up to the capacity and within the year specified in that agreement.
Department of Home Affairs fees and charges apply to this stage. Once your application is lodged and the fee paid, you will be issued an acknowledgement email containing your transaction reference number (TRN). Your nominee (employee) will need this number to lodge their visa application.
Stage 4
Individual nominee(s) apply for their visa
This is the final stage where the nominated individuals apply for their visa, undergo police checks and medical checks, and any other criteria specific to them. A Skilled Migrant can start gathering evidence for their application at any time. More information about the requirements for this can be found within the checklist here.
Note: Once a Labour Agreement is in place, an employer can seek endorsement from the Goldfields DAR through a Deed of Variation to vary their existing labour agreement for Goldfields DAMA occupations or concessions not listed in the original Labour Agreement.