Access and Inclusion Plan
Kalgoorlie-Boulder is a diverse community with a wide range of needs, and the City is committed to fostering independence for those of all abilities, ensuring everybody can engage in everyday services as well as actively participate in the fantastic opportunities the City offers.
The aim of this Access and Inclusion Plan is to ensure services and facilities can be made more open, inclusive and accessible for everyone, and we have reached out to all sectors of the community to make sure everyone has had the opportunity to provide meaningful input into the direction for the new Plan, which aims to incorporate contemporary practices that exceed minimum compliance requirements.
As a City, we aim to provide public spaces that facilitate a diverse range of activities and strengthen social bonds within the community, and deliver the community better connectivity with the rest of Australia and the world. This Plan will guide us on our way forward to delivering access and inclusion for all.
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Advocacy - A Regional Partnership for Economic and Social Transformation
The vision for Kalgoorlie-Boulder is one of a vibrant, prosperous, and inclusive community, creating opportunities for current and future generations. Unlocking new possibilities and addressing the region’s economic and social challenges will depend on the leadership and determination of the Kalgoorlie-Boulder community.
All levels of government—the Australian Government, the Western Australian Government, and the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder— are working with local residents, including Aboriginal and business leaders, youth, and community organisations, to ensure these plans align with the community’s vision and aspirations for a thriving future.
The City has developed the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Regional Partnership (for Economic and Social Transformation) to inform the City’s long-term partnerships with State and Federal governments. The most significant benefit of regional deals is that all levels of government commit to work together to respond to community-identified priorities that will improve economic and community outcomes that last beyond election cycles.
Improving the efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness of future government investment will be a key feature of the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Regional Partnership over the next 10 years.
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Age Friendly Strategy
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s Age-Friendly Strategy 2022 to 2026 will build on the significant consultation undertaken with our senior community. It will ensure that the City and senior service providers work together to create a city that is Age-Friendly for the benefit of all senior community members.
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Annual Report
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder produces an annual report for each financial year as a statutory requirement.
They reflect the major activities undertaken in the preceding year. As well as providing an overview of the City's operational and financial activities, the annual report also includes an Independent Auditor report.
Club Development Plan
The City has created a unifying plan that details the allocation of resources towards activities to assist in the further development of Sports Clubs and Associations.
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Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan
The City’s strategic goal is to guide growth and enhancement of an integrated and broad economy for the City and wider region by providing outstanding civic leadership and creating a better environment for people to live, work and invest. Over recent years the City has experienced significant growth with developments, offering the community new and improved experiences. With more on offer than ever, one of the City’s biggest challenges remains its perception of safety.
The City has identified the need for a coordinated holistic response to address matters of community safety and agreed to develop the City’s Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2024-2028 (CSCPP 2024-28) as an instrument to guide partnerships, document method and encourage the delivery of community safety solutions. The Plan reaffirms the City’s commitment to addressing issues associated with community safety and crime prevention.
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Corporate Business Plan
The Corporate Business Plan is the detailed implementation outline for services, key projects, capital investment and areas of advocacy over the next four financial years. The Corporate Business Plan has been broken down into the five aspirations outlined within the Strategic Community Plan and Council projects, capital investment and areas of advocacy have been listed against the relevant Strategic Initiatives. The layout of the plan has been set to help demonstrate how the Council will meet the most important local needs and ensure that the community’s vision for the City is brought to life.
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Education Guides
The City has a Primary and Secondary Education Guide and a Higher Education and Training Guide to inform residents and prospective residents of education and traineeship options available in the region.
Primary and Secondary Education Guide - Download Here
Higher Education and Training Guide - Download Here
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Growth Plan
The Kalgoorlie-Boulder Growth Plan is an initiative of the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder in partnership with the Goldfields-Esperance Development Commission and other key stakeholders, including the State Government, particularly the Department of Regional Development, the State Planning Commission and LandCorp, the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chamber of Minerals and Energy, Regional Development Australia Goldfields Esperance, the Goldfields Land and Sea Council, key local businesses and mining companies and the local community.
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Investment Prospectus
Kalgoorlie-Boulder is the economic hub of the prosperous Goldfields region, rich in resources and investment opportunities. Be part of our region’s ambition and vision as we champion innovation and accelerate our economic growth. It’s an incredible time to work, live and invest in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
2024 Investment Prospectus
Local Emergency Management Arrangement & Local Recovery Plan
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder has developed plans and structures to bring together government, voluntary, and private agencies in a coordinated way to deal with emergencies (major) and or incidents that occur in our community. These arrangements address the whole spectrum of emergency requirements from prevention, preparedness, response to recovery.
Local Emergency Manangement Arragement - Download Here
Local Recovery Plan - Download Here
Long Term Financial Plan
The Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) is a 10-year financial projection taking into consideration income, operational and capital expenditure. The financial estimates of projects and initiatives outlined in the Corporate Business Plan has been included in the financial projection. This pivotal document is one of the informing strategic documents that assist in the prioritisation of projects and helps the City to secure its financial sustainability.
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Public Health Plan
The City’s Public Health Plan outlines the longer-term vision, values, aspirations and objectives of our community over the next five years to ensure a healthy and happy community. It sets the health priorities for residents and visitors, outlines strategies to prevent, promote or reduce public health issues, partners with local agencies and supports the community to achieve optimum health and wellbeing.
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Reconciliation Action Plan
The development of the City's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) marks an important milestone and will guide the way our organisation works with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to achieve better outcomes. Development of the RAP occurred over two years and reflects considerable planning efforts with local stakeholders, including the Goldfields Land and Sea Council, City councillors and various working groups.
By publicly declaring its commitment to reconciliation, CKB can build a more prosperous future for the City. The RAP will be championed by CKB executives with support, guidance and direction from the CKB Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group. The group will be comprised of various councillors and appointed local stakeholders to ensure the right people are engaged in delivering outcomes.
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Schedule of Fees and Charges
Council adopt the Schedule of Fees and Charges within the Annual Budget and are effective from 1 July each year.
The Schedule covers all fees and charges that the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder charges users or applicants for e.g. facility bookings, building applications, planning and development applications, animal registrations etc.
Statutory fees that are imposed by other government agencies are subject to change without warning.
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Strategic Community Plan
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s Strategic Community Plan is the primary document and must be reviewed every four years, but it can also be reviewed at a strategic level every two years. Council’s Strategic Community Plan was reviewed and updated throughout 2019. The Plan takes into account current and expected changes in community demographics, social issues and local, national and global influences.
The Strategic Community Plan shapes the service delivery policy of the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder for a 10-year period. The plan focuses on 5 Community Aspirations:
- Community - enhance the quality of life and encourage city-wide development opportunities
- Economy - boost opportunities for economic development and tourism
- Infrastructure - enhance the built environment and provide quality infrastructure
- Leadership - ensure the City maintains strong civic leadership
- Environment - protect and, where possible enhance the natural environment
The Strategic Community Plan 2020-2030 was adopted at the 28 April 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting, with amendments endorsed at the 26 June 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting.
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Tourism Strategy
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Tourism Strategy was endorsed by Council in December 2021. The strategy provides guidance on the future direction of tourism in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and is based on the below six key pillars:
- Tourism Assets
- Product Development
- Marketing and Promotion
- Industry Capability and Development
- Data and Information Distribution
- Advocacy and Leadership
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