EGCC In-Centre Meals Program

Come and share a meal with friends as part of our Eastern Goldfields Community Centre's In-Centre Meals Program.

We are proud to offer meals for senior residents of Kalgoorlie-Boulder (65+ years) at our wonderful city facility, the Eastern Goldfields Community Centre. The In-Centre Meals program will commence on the 1 March 2023.

This initiative is part of the Age-Friendly Strategy, where older adults were asked which services would be beneficial to them and what changes should be made over the next four years to enhance the liveability of Kalgoorlie-Boulder for seniors.

Lunches will be hosted weekly on Wednesdays and Fridays between from 11.30am-12.30pm. The three-course menu includes an entrée soup, main and dessert.

Pre-order in person at the EGCC, by calling 9021 9801 or complete the form below. 

Payment prior to the meal day is preferred however same-day payment will be available at the EGCC via cash or EFTPOS. Refunds do not apply for non-attendance on meal day.

How to order your meal

The Eastern Goldfields In-Centre Meals Program will be served twice a week on Wednesday and Friday from 11.30am-12.30pm. Pre-ordering meals is required. This can be done in person at the EGCC or by calling the Centre on 9021 9801. You can also complete an order form online.

Payment prior to the meal day is preferred however same-day payment will be available at the EGCC via cash or EFTPOS. 


The three-course lunch menu changes weekly on a 4-week rotational schedule and is subject to change. The menu includes a soup, mains and a dessert.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is eligible for a meal?

Participants must be seniors 65+ years of age and residents of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. EGCC Membership is not required.

How do I order my meal?

Pre-Order your meal

Please complete a Pre-Order Meal Form in person at the EGCC on Robert St. Kalgoorlie, over the phone by calling the Centre on 9021 9801 or by completing the form on this page.

Completing your Pre-Order Meal Form is essential to allow food preparation and planning.

Paying for your meal

Payment prior to the meal day is preferred however same-day payment will be available at the EGCC via cash or EFTPOS.

Please note: Refunds do not apply for non-attendance on meal day

Is takeaway offered?

Containers can be provided following the food service for guests to pack and takeaway any of their leftover meal.

Can you turn up on the day?

Pre-ordering of meals is required. Guests who arrive on the day without pre-ordering may not be served.

Can additional meals be paid for and taken away?

Remaining meals will be packaged by kitchen staff and offered for sale on the day. This is not guaranteed and only possible if there is leftover food from the meal service that day.

EGCC In-Centre Meals Order Form

Download a form here and take into the EGCC in person or complete the online order form below. 

Week 1
Week 2 Wednesday
Week 3
Week 4
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