Meet the People of the Goldfields DAMA

Discover the individual stories behind the Goldfields Designated Area Migration Agreement. 

The Goldfields Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) is a Federal Government employer-sponsored visa program that supports families from around the world to become a part of our community, while helping to fill skilled labour shortages in our region. 
Hear firsthand stories that highlight how the Goldfields DAMA is reshaping lives and businesses in the region.
Thank you to the Goldfields Childcare Centre, Ausdrill, MLG Australia, QUBE, Busy Bees Kalgoorlie, The Star and Garter, and DAMA recipients for sharing your experiences with us.

Goldfields DAMA Overview

Hear from local business operators who have supported and sponsored DAMA recipients and how this has benefited their businesses as well as the recipients themselves and how DAMA has assisted them to find work within the Goldfields.

Goldfields Childcare Centre

We chatted with Goldfields Childcare Centre Manager Andra and childcare educators Hyein and Krishnan about their experience with the DAMA.


MLG Australia & QUBE

Through the DAMA, MLG and QUBE were able to support Jhun from the Philippines and Max from France in settling in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, where they have become integral members of their teams.


In this video, DAMA recipient Coretin and Area Manager Luke from Ausdrill tell us about their experience with the DAMA.

The Star & Garter

Join DAMA recipients and Star & Garter chefs Romeo and Luan as they discuss how the DAMA program has helped open doors to career opportunities in the Goldfields region.

Busy Bees Kalgoorlie

Vinoo journeyed from Mauritius to join the team at Busy Bees at Kalgoorlie through the Goldfields Designated Migration Agreement (DAMA) program. Check out the video to hear more about her story.


For more information on the DAMA program and how it can help your business visit click here