City celebrates Boulder’s 125th Anniversary

Published on Thursday, 16 June 2022 at 9:00:00 AM

The City will host an exciting schedule of activities and events in July and August to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of Boulder.

The planned program features a suite of activities with the ‘Back to Boulder Gala Night’ scheduled for 6 August at the Boulder Town Hall, the exact anniversary date Boulder became its own municipality. 

The event will take guests back to a time when the Boulder Town Hall was the central place for social gatherings and dances.  It will be a cocktail function with lively entertainment from the yesteryears and historic story-telling displays. 

This will be followed by the `Remembering Boulder’ exhibition at the Boulder Town Hall on 13 August.

Mayor John Bowler said the City was looking forward to welcoming previous residents back to Boulder.

“The City looks forward to hosting current and previous residents from Boulder at the Gala evening which will provide a fantastic opportunity to share memories and stories.”  

“We have a range of activities planned for the following weekend, including a unique photographic and never before seen artefacts Exhibition at the Boulder Town Hall” he said.  

The Exhibition, which has been developed in partnership with the Eastern Goldfields Historical Society and the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre, will be accompanied by other activities organised by the City’s History and Heritage team.

The City has also planned a program of free activities to suit all ages and interests, including a short story competition, portrait photography sessions (with period era costumes) for the community, a school holiday program, and an evening for youth. The Youth Council will also hold a special meeting inside the historic Boulder Town Hall Council Chambers.  

“All events and activities will celebrate the contributions that have been made by the community that has lived in Boulder since before the discovery of gold” Mayor Bowler said.

“I’m particularly looking forward to attending the City sponsored Mayoral Cup (a free race day for the community), and the Race Round’s Boulder Cup event which will both feature a Celebrating Boulder’s 125th sponsored race,” he said.

The City has received outstanding support from community organisations for the Remembering Boulder exhibition, and the Mayor believes the City’s events will complement what other organisations have planned for their 125th Anniversary of Boulder celebrations.

Look out for more information about the Back to Boulder Gala Night including ticketing details and the rest of the scheduled events on the City’s social media pages.

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