Mayor calls on Federal Opposition to move on Housing Bill

Published on Monday, 31 July 2023 at 1:58:27 PM

A Western Australian Mayor has called on the Federal Opposition and Greens to “stop playing politics” with the Government’s $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF) Bill 2023.

City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Mayor, John Bowler says visitors to his town are sleeping on the streets in freezing conditions while the Greens and Federal Opposition refuse to pass the legislation.

“Once the $10 billion in funding is available, we will have a good chance of getting $5 million of it to build short-term accommodation for First Nations visitors from Warburton,” said Mayor Bowler.

“Some of the visitors cram into already over-crowded social houses, while the rest sleep on the street where minimum temperatures overnight have reached zero.”

“The plight of these poor people should be on the consciousness of the Canberra MPs, especially the Greens who are the big social housing party.”

Mayor Bowler says the small amount of accommodation available for visitors was always full, as they have to come to Kalgoorlie-Boulder for medical attention.

He says the irony is that while the doctors will do their professional best – their work is undone by the deplorable living conditions these people and their families have to endure – conditions unthinkable in the leafy suburb of Canberra.

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Mayor says that while the short-term housing may be basic, it was better than nothing.

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