Lease Proposal - Lot 159, 264 Hannan St, Kalgoorlie
Published on Tuesday, 1 June 2021 at 10:07:00 AM
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, in accordance with Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995, hereby advises that it proposes to lease part of Lot 159, 264 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie, to Eva-Anne Mulvaney for the consideration of $25,800.00 per annum (excluding GST), for a three (3) year period with two, one (1) year options. The value of the lease as determined by Independent Market Valuation will be $25,800.00 per annum (excluding GST).
Submissions must be lodged in writing by 5:00pm Tuesday 18 June 2021 and be clearly endorsed with Amana Living Incorporated Submission.
Submissions can be emailed to or posted to PO Box 2042, Boulder WA 6432.
For further information, please email Eva-Marie Motherway, Leasing Officer, at .
Chief Executive Officer