Notice of Intention to Levy Differential Rates 2024/25

Published on Friday, 7 June 2024 at 10:59:06 AM

Notice is given in accordance with section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, that the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder proposes to levy differential rates for each rating category and minimum payments for the 2024/25 financial year. 

 The City proposes to levy the following differential rates in the dollar for each GRV and UV rates category and minimum payments.   

Rate Group Category

Rate in $





Gross Rental Values (GRV)

GRV Residential



GRV Commercial / Industrial



GRV Accommodation



GRV Mining



Unimproved Values (UV)

UV Pastoral / Other


$ 352

UV Mining


$ 440

 The overall objective of the proposed rates in the 2024/25 Budget is to provide for the net funding requirement of the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder various programs, services, and facilities.

Differential General Rating

The purpose of imposing GRV differential rating and UV differential rating is to obtain a fair and equitable form of revenue raising from all categories of properties in the City.

The differential rates are to be levied in accordance with Sections 6.33 of the Local Government Act 1995.

Section 6.33 allows a local government to charge different rates for properties based on the property’s characteristics and usage, such as:

  • the zoning purpose of the land, regardless of whether it’s under a planning scheme,
  • the actual use or purpose as determined by the local government,
  • whether the land is vacant,
  • any other prescribed characteristics or combination thereof.

Statement of Objects and Reasons

The document outlines the objects and reasons for implementing differential general rates and minimum payments and is available here.

 The following are the objects and reasons (in brief) for each of the GRV and UV differential rating categories: 

  1. GRV Residential Differential Rate

The rate in the dollar and minimum payment has been set to reflect the level of revenue required for the City to function effectively. This revenue is necessary to provide a wide array of services (like public safety, education, and waste management), programs, and maintain the infrastructure (such as roads, parks, and public buildings) that are essential for the community.

  1. GRV Commercial / Industrial Differential Rate

The rate in the dollar and minimum payment has been set to reflect the costs associated with the provision and maintenance and renewal of infrastructure used by commercial or industrial businesses including road structure, lighting and drainage, car parking, landscaping and higher costs in relation to infrastructure and regulatory services. 

  1. GRV Accommodation Differential Rate

The rate in the dollar rate and the minimum payment has been set to guarantee a fair distribution of rates among both residents and non-resident workers, many of whom spend much of the year in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.  Large accommodation facilities, including caravan parks and extensive accommodation properties, can have a significant impact on the City’s services and assets. 

  1. GRV Mining Differential Rate

The rate in the dollar rate and the minimum payment has been established to mirror the effects that resource sector activities (i.e. heavy transport, higher traffic volumes) have on the City’s infrastructure and the necessary maintenance programs. It is a way to ensure that those who benefit from using the infrastructure more intensively also contribute fairly to its upkeep.

  1. UV Pastoral / Other Differential Rate

The rate in the dollar and minimum payment has been set to ensure that the revenue generated from pastoral and rural properties is sufficient to support the services and infrastructure they use. 

  1. UV Mining Differential Rate

The rate in the dollar and minimum payment has been set to is to reflect the revenue required to manage the impact on the City by mining and resource sectors.

The increased use of urban and rural infrastructure due to heavier vehicles and more traffic from resource sector activities justifies the significant investment the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder commits to road and drainage systems. This investment supports the remote mining operations that rely on rural roads across the district, accounting for the additional maintenance, effects, and regularity needed to maintain a basic standard of serviceability that properties in this category can benefit from.


Electors and ratepayers of the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder are invited to submit their comments on the proposed differential rates in the dollar and minimum payments in writing by 1 July 2024. Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, PO Box 2042, Boulder WA 6432 or email, with “Differential Rates” in the subject line.

 Written submissions received after Monday 1 July 2024 will not be considered.

 Further information can be obtained by contacting the City’s Rates Team on (08) 9021 9654.

 The figures shown above may change as part of Council’s deliberations after consideration of any submissions received.


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Notice of Intention to Levy Differential Rates - Your Say

As part of the annual budget-setting process, the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is seeking comments from electors and ratepayers on the proposed differential rates and minimum payments for the 2024/25 financial year.

Read more

 Mia Hicks

Acting Chief Executive Officer

Quick Links

Statement of Objects & Reasons