Shopfront Enhancement Program
The Shopfront Enhancement Program is designed to assist with small scale improvements to shopfronts that enhance the presentation of a building, attract visitors, contribute to amenity, or make a creative contribution to shopfronts within the Kalgoorlie and Boulder Central Business Districts.

What does the program cover?
Proposals for funding don't have to involve a significant or expensive change. Simple jobs like repainting a shop front, replacing a shop sign or window dressing improvement, planter boxes or alfresco dining furniture will qualify.
Planning applications may be required for some projects and applicants are responsible for obtaining required approvals prior to commencing work.
Each application will be assessed on its own merits and on the ability of the works to enhance the space and make an immediate positive impact on the appearance and usability of the area.
The Shopfront Enhancement Program will offer grants of up to $2,000 with matching $2 for $1 investment from the applicant.
Shopfront Enhancement Program accommodates for improvements of shopfronts of buildings that are both heritage and non-heritage listed. The program is designed to complement the City’s local Heritage Fund (up to $10,000) and applicants are able to apply for all funding streams within the same financial year.
The Shopfront Enhancement Program is now open year-round. For more information, please contact the City's Economic Development team on (08) 9021 9600., or email us at
Acquittal must be completed within four weeks of project completion.
How much can I apply for?
The Shopfront Enhancement Program will offer grants of up to $2,000 with matching $2 for $1 investment from the applicant.
I'm not sure if my idea is eligible, is there someone I can talk to?
Yes, contact the Economic Development Team to discuss your ideas! Please contact the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Economic Development Team via email to or on (08) 9021 9600.
What can the funding be spent on?
Grants are available for improvements to your shopfront. These include:
- Repainting of external shop frontage that enhances the presentation of the building
- Cleaning and painting of the existing façade and or street facing exterior walls
- Installation of creative, energy efficient, new lighting and / or upgrades to existing lighting
- Removal of redundant signage and/or installation of new business signage
- Greening elements such as landscaping including planter boxes or vertical gardens in public and private property
- Alfresco Furniture, blinds and equipment that improve his venue’s functionality
- Adding external materials or wall treatments that substantially enhance the shopfront with attractive detail
Find out more buy reading the guidelines.
Can I submit an application with other adjacent businesses?
Please note that submissions for joint concepts that benefit multiple adjacent businesses are welcomed. However, each business will need to apply separately for funds to improve their shopfront (i.e. one combined application is not permitted).
Will I need a permit or approval to complete my improvement project?
Planning applications may be required for some projects and applicants are responsible for obtaining required approvals prior to commencing work.
This will be considered once your application is received and the Economic Development Team can help by linking you with the right contact in planning and Building here at the City.
Can I spend the funding on staffing, wages or marketing of the improvements?
No, the grant program is to support the purchase of items/works for improvements only.
Will Council charge fees for a development approval or permit?
Yes - there may be fees associated required to be paid for your Council development approval or City Works permit.
Do you waive Council fees for grant applications?
The City does not charge Alfresco dining application fees.
Other Council fees or permits must still be applied and paid for.
If successful, how soon will funds be available?
Following receipt of the signed Letter of Offer, the applicant will need to be set up as a New Business Creditor. Council will then provide a Purchase Order for the total value of funding.
Prior to payment, the following proof of completion of the works must be provided to the Economic Development Team for assessment.
- Proof of payment (paid tax invoices/receipts from suppliers)
- Before and after photos of the completed project.
Should no further information or evidence be required and this assessment is deemed successful, the funds will be paid by the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder to the applicant within 14 days of receipt of invoice.
Works are not to be started prior to receiving a formal Purchase Order from the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
Need more information?
Contact the Economic Development Team to discuss your ideas! Please contact the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Economic Development Team via email to or on (08) 9021 9600.
Application and Guidelines
Shopfront Enhancement Program – Guidelines
Shopfront Enhancement Program - Application Form