Permit to Burn Application

Are you the owner of the property that you are intending to burn on? If you answer No, you must get the property owner to complete the application*This field is required.
Is the land less than 5000 square metres?*This field is required.
Is the property where the intention to burn on, located with 3km of forest land?*This field is required.
Is the material to be burned subject to land clearing, a land development site or commercial waste?*This field is required.
Is the material to be burned green garden waste, wet, contains plastics, tyres, chemicals, containers or the like?*This field is required.
Is there sufficient running water and hoses available at the site where the burning will take place? Refer to condition 3 of the Terms and Conditions.*This field is required.
Have you previously applied for and had your Permit to Burn revoked, or committed an offence under the Bush Fires Act 1954? If you answered Yes please provide further information below on why the permit was revoked or action taken against you under the Bush Fires Act 1954.*This field is required.
Terms and Conditions

Please carefully review the Terms and Conditions before proceeding. Available here.

Date Permit to Burn is required for? Maximum period of fourteen (14) days.

Date Permit to Burn is required for?

Maximum period of fourteen (14) days.

Applicant Details (It is a requirement that this section is completed in full by the owner of the property)

Applicant Details

(It is a requirement that this section is completed in full by the owner of the property)

Permit Holder

Permit Holder Details

(If the permit is to be issued in a name different from the applicant, please complete the details below. If the applicant and permit holder are the same write as above).

Property Information

Property Information




confirm that I have read, understand and meet all the assessment criteria required to obtain a Permit to Burn and acknowledge when approval is received in writing by the City's Ranger Services Department, that I agree to comply with all the Terms and Conditions contained in the permit and the City's Environment, Animal and Nuisance Local Laws 2022.