City celebrates triple win at 2024 WALGA Local Government Awards

Published on Saturday, 3 August 2024 at 7:38:31 AM

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder earned top honours at this year’s 2024 WALGA Local Government Awards, with three City employees announced as award winners recognising their exceptional contributions to the local government sector and wider community.

Chief Executive Officer Andrew Brien received the Eminent Service Award for his distinguished contributions to the sector, including his profound and transformative leadership, and for creating lasting change that has shaped communities and championed the interests of local government professionals across Australia.

Lui Camporeale, the Director of Engineering, received an honourable Merit Award, recognising his notable contributions and service to local government over two decades. Lui’s career in the sector has been marked by numerous achievements, including his commitment to mentoring young professionals and his dedication to both his professional duties and community service.

Dionie Johnson, the City’s Senior Arts and Culture Officer, was awarded the Local Government Distinguished Officer Award for her years of service and innovation. Dionie’s broad knowledge base, holistic engagement practices, and dedication to improving services and systems have brought about positive change for the City and Kalgoorlie-Boulder community.

Mayor Glenn Wilson expressed immense pride in the City's achievements stating the awards are a testament to the hard work, dedication, and visionary leadership of the City’s team.
“We are incredibly proud of Andrew, Lui, and Dionie. These distinguished awards are well-deserved and reflect their passion and commitment to the sector and our community.”

“It’s wonderful to see their hard work and dedication recognised at such a prestigious level. There was a clear spotlight on our City at this year’s Local Government Awards, which highlights the exceptional talent and dedication we have here in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.”

“Andrew Brien’s leadership has been instrumental in driving the City forward in recent years, from his proactive approach to addressing local government and broader societal challenges to enhancing organisational culture and governance.”

“This Award recognises the significant impact he has had in the local government sector across Australia and his genuine dedication to making a difference in the communities he works in.”

“Andrew’s initiatives have set benchmarks for excellence, inspiring others to elevate their professional practices and contributing to an elevated standard across the sector,” he said.

“There’s not many in our community who wouldn’t know Lui Camporeale and can attest to his commitment and tireless service to the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.”

“From our beautiful outdoor open spaces to the advancement of essential infrastructure, Lui has provided both exemplary leadership and technical expertise over the years.”

“Lui’s contributions go beyond the office and the projects he has led. He embodies the spirit of community service with every project he undertakes. The WALGA Merit Award is a fitting tribute to his exceptional work and the positive changes he has brought to our city."

“Lui’s ability to bring people together and create a sense of unity and purpose within the community is commendable. He consistently demonstrates leadership, reliability, and a genuine concern for the betterment of our community.”

“Dionie is a dedicated member of our team; her tireless efforts are transforming the City’s approach to arts, culture, accessibility, and inclusion.”

“This award not only recognises her professional achievements but also her personal commitment to fostering genuine connections and advocating for cultural understanding.”

“She is an asset to the City, and has done amazing work, particularly in leading our First Nations Art Installation at our rejuvenated St Barbara’s Square,” said Mayor Wilson.

The awards were announced at tonight’s WALGA Local Government Gala Awards dinner in Perth. The Honours Program recognises and celebrates the outstanding achievements and lasting contributions made by elected members and employees to their respective councils, the Local Government sector, WALGA, and the wider community.

About our winners

Andrew Brien

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Andrew Brien’s leadership has created lasting change that has shaped communities and championed the interests of local government professionals across Australia.

Across his 32-year tenure in local government, Andrew Brien's journey from an Arboricultural Technician in metropolitan Queensland to the CEO of the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder in regional Western Australia serves as a testament to his commitment to public service and contributions in enhancing local government standards and governance.

Andrew has led positive cultural change at several local government authorities, fostered excellence in multiple sector working groups, committees, and professional organisations. He has served in several influential advocacy groups, including most recently as a member of the inaugural Ministerial-appointed Advisory Group on Homelessness.

His proactive approach to addressing local government and broader societal challenges is a testament to his commitment to public service and underscores his reputation and ability to advocate for professionals and their expertise in contexts beyond the local government landscape.

Most recently, Andrew’s leadership and commitment to staff empowerment, community engagement, and advocacy have made a measurable difference at the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

Andrew's commitment to supporting and mentoring his peers and officers within the local government sector is a testament to his dedication to fostering growth, collaboration, and professional excellence. Throughout his career, he has been an advocate for staff empowerment, leadership development, and a culture of recognition. Andrew’s initiatives have set benchmarks for excellence, inspiring others to elevate their professional practices and contributing to an elevated standard across the sector.

Lui Camporeale

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Lui Camporeale has dedicated over two decades to the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, beginning his career on March 24, 2003. His remarkable journey reflects a profound commitment to both local government and community service. From his initial role as a Parks Supervisor to his current position as Director of Engineering, Lui’s leadership and expertise have significantly shaped the city's landscape. As the first internal appointment to the Director of Engineering role, Lui’s stewardship of a $60 million budget and multiple departments, including Operations, Engineering, and Project Management, has been instrumental in executing pivotal infrastructure projects for the City.

Beyond his formal duties, Lui’s impact extends through his extensive volunteer work and mentorship. As Chair of the LG Professionals – Goldfields Esperance Branch, he revitalised regional interest in professional development events, including the successful Goldfields Forum. His dedication to mentorship within the organisation is evident in the success of former Apprentices and Officers under his guidance, including receiving State and National recognition.

Lui’s dedication extends beyond his professional duties, with his involvement in various community events and leadership roles in numerous volunteer organisations demonstrating his commitment to enhancing the quality of life for Kalgoorlie-Boulder residents.

His contributions to community sports and events are particularly noteworthy having held many voluntary roles over the years. Lui has been a coach, committee member, and Club President for the Great Boulder and North Kalgoorlie Junior Cricket teams since 2003, and a board member of the Goldfields Golf Club since 2016, serving as Chairman of the Match Committee for the last five years.

Lui has played a pivotal role in the success of several large-scale community events, including the WA PGA tournaments and the St Barbara’s Parade Festival.

Dionie Johnson

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Dionie’s broad knowledge base, holistic engagement practices, and dedication to improving services and systems have brought about positive change for the sector and our community.

Her career began as an Telecomms Technician with Telstra, working across Far North Queensland, before joining Cairns Regional Council in 2000. In Cairns, she gained valuable experience in IT and information management, notably helping to develop the council’s first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Since moving to Kalgoorlie-Boulder in 2015, Dionie has continued to make a significant impact, initially in IT roles before transitioning to the City’s Information Management team in 2018.

In her current role as Senior Officer Arts and Culture, Dionie has been an integral part of several key initiatives, including the State’s largest outdoor First Nations Art Installation as part of the $16 million redevelopment of St Barbara’s Square. Her efforts have been instrumental in celebrating our region’s cultural heritage and fostering community connections. Dionie’s work on the City’s Access and Inclusion Plan has also been exemplary, enhancing engagement with members of our community through thoughtful, practical measures.

Dionie has been a guiding force in delivering the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan outcomes and improving First Nations cultural and economic opportunities. She is committed to inclusivity, cultural understanding and enhancing the City’s community engagement efforts.

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